Course Overview
As business leaders we find ourselves having to negotiate all the time. This course will give you new insights and understanding of how to negotiate effectively. You will learn how to recognise and deal with the different personalities and character traits that other people adopt when they negotiate with you. You will learn how to deal with confrontation.
We help you to develop your own personal style of negotiation. We show you how to develop strategies appropriate for different situations and different types of negotiation. You will learn how to prioritise your objectives and how to negotiate to secure them, whilst leaving room and opportunity for the other party to achieve their priorities and objectives.
Effective negotiation is much more than arguing your case. Effective negotiation requires preparation, planning and an understanding of how to negotiate. This session will make you think about how you currently ‘discuss’ things. It will give you insights about your personal ‘style’ of discussion. It will show you what you need to do to prepare and to plan in advance of any important ‘discussion’. And it’ll show you to manage discussions and negotiations in practice.
There are three sessions in this course which together total around 2 hrs 30mins learning. Each session includes an AV presentation, with a full-featured media-player, presentation deck and textbook. The course is complemented by a series of practical exercises, designed for running by administrators, where you will have the opportunity to negotiate with a colleague, trying to secure your objectives whilst retaining your personal concepts of integrity and fairness.