Course Overview
Investment Mechanics is a Neuehansa new business course that will give founders and new business leaders an understanding of the investment process.
We explain how investment ‘works’, from an investors perspective as well as the founders perspective. We delve into what investors are really looking to find during their evaluation and due diligence processes. We examine the real criteria used by investors to determine whether to invest in your project, or not. We give you new insight into the issues and challenges that pre-incorporation projects, founders, management teams and the leaders of early-stage businesses will have to address during their investment journey. Using this knowledge you can build a better investment proposition for your business.
The course has an introduction and four 90 minute sessions. In the first session we take a detailed look at venture capital. In the second we look at angel investment. How do they work? How do they make money? Why do they do some of the things that they do? What challenges do investors have to face and what do those challenges mean in terms of consequences that you will have to deal with?
In the third session we will look at what adds value to your company and how to calculate the value of a company, (the pre-money valuation). We show you how to work out the share price and how to calculate how many new shares your company will have to create and sell to investors to raise the working capital you need to grow your company. We show you how cap-tables can document who owns what in your company.
In the 4th and final session we look at all the Conditions Precedent; the details you need to address to complete a deal. We show you what you will need to put into your data room. We give you “20 questions”. These are the questions that investors will ask during due diligence. These insights enable you to prepare some good answers.
Each session includes an AV presentation, with a full-featured media-player, presentation deck, textbook, a series of quizzes with answers and explanations for each question as well as various worked examples, case studies, tools and spreadsheets that users can download and use to develop their own business plan and investor proposition.